Burrell Notary Billboard Sign

Burrell Notary is your one stop FULL SERVICE PennDOT Approved Issuing Agent. 

We handle most PA Motor and Driver's License forms. We specialize in Vehicle title transfers (including snowmobiles and ATV's), Titling vehicles purchased from out of state, and issue license plates for cars, trucks, trailers, motor homes, motorcycles and even snowmobiles / ATV's. We also issue TEMPORARY (60 Day) IN-Transit Plates. We also offer General Notarization Services including (but NOT limited to): Power Of Attorney, Oaths/Affirmations, Affidavits, Verification, Acknowledgment, Certificates, Depositions, Protests and Property Closing.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!


EmailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 724-335-5555

Fax:     724-334-4444


Burrell Notary is now part of the Adopt A Highway Program for Pennsylvania. Watch for our signs and call to Volunteer your help! Great community service project.